Extensive Design Options
Available in various colours, textures and designs to enhance your kitchen’s style quotient.
Fast and hassle-free installation
Our installation experts make the process fast and hassle-free for you. Making the most of the available dimensions to give you the best kitchen.
5-Years Warranty
We offer a 5-years warranty on manufacturing defect, all woodwork, hardware, and all products which get naturally rusted.
About Us
Welcome to KUTCHINA, India’s leading kitchen appliances maker and the fastest growing modular kitchen brand! For over a decade, we have committed ourselves to transform the kitchen experience for Indian consumers. Our range of energy efficient products — Chimney, Hob, Dishwasher, Built-in Microwave Oven, Built-in Oven, and Water Purifier — have revolutionised many homes and allowed consumers to infuse luxury and convenience into their kitchens at affordable prices, making KUTCHINA a household name with more than 70% market share in Eastern India alone. With our modular kitchens, we are on our way to recreate the same story!

Our Modular Kitchens
Having more than a decade of successful presence in the kitchen appliance market, KUTCHINA strives to redefine the kitchen concept in modern Indian homes through its amazing range of modular kitchen design solutions and products.

Kutchina Chimney
High suction Filterless chimneys with dry auto-clean technology, Unique one touch dry auto clean technology cleans the oil deposited on inner housing. Metal housing, low noise level. Long lasting copper winding motors with lifetime warranty*.

Kutchina Water Purifiers
Water purifiers range of RO & UV water purifiers made with smart automation, elegant design and good quality. Up-to 10 stages of purification gives clean and safe water. Mineral candle to add essential minerals in water.
CALL FOR HOME DEMO NOW, CALL : 9051666255 / 8697545791
KUTCHINA’s modular kitchens are designed with the main aim to ensure a well-organised, practical, and highly functional kitchen space that also allow easy accessibility and increased freedom to move around comfortably when you’re cooking. So you spend less time cooking your meals and more time enjoying them! But, kitchen designs in Indian homes are no longer about just hard-core functionality.
Extensive Design Options
Available in various colours, textures and designs to enhance your kitchen’s style quotient
Fast And Hassle-Free Installation
Our installation experts make the process fast and hassle-free for you
Call To Action
Kutchina has been manufacturing cabinets and kitchens since more than a decade and became well-known for utilizing contemporary kitchen cabinet design in its high quality composition. Kutchina is dedicated to R&D, keeping up with the latest trends and introducing stylish finishes on regular basis.
Get help using your Kutchina product, contact us, or find a service centre.
Right from our inception, our effort has been to bring world-class innovations to Indian kitchens to make the cooking experience much more enjoyable! KUTCHINA is constantly working towards that goal, achieving and creating new milestones along the way.
With our laser-sharp focus on innovation and outstanding quality, we strive to turn KUTCHINA into an industry benchmark. We are dedicated towards maintaining high standards of customer service because we believe in delivering nothing less than 100% customer satisfaction.
This is the philosophy that enables us to create shareholders value, enrich the lives of our employees and every other individual who comes in touch with our world.
CALL FOR HOME DEMO NOW, CALL : 9051666255 / 8697545791
Our Clients


Saul Goodman
Ceo & Founder
Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Sara Wilsson
Export tempor illum tamen malis malis eram quae irure esse labore quem cillum quid cillum eram malis quorum velit fore eram velit sunt aliqua noster fugiat irure amet legam anim culpa.

Jena Karlis
Store Owner
Enim nisi quem export duis labore cillum quae magna enim sint quorum nulla quem veniam duis minim tempor labore quem eram duis noster aute amet eram fore quis sint minim.

Matt Brandon
Fugiat enim eram quae cillum dolore dolor amet nulla culpa multos export minim fugiat minim velit minim dolor enim duis veniam ipsum anim magna sunt elit fore quem dolore labore illum veniam.

John Larson
Quis quorum aliqua sint quem legam fore sunt eram irure aliqua veniam tempor noster veniam enim culpa labore duis sunt culpa nulla illum cillum fugiat legam esse veniam culpa fore nisi cillum quid.
Contact Us
Get help using your Kutchina product, contact us, or find a service centre.
479A, SPA BLOCK, Chittaranjan Coloni,Baghajatin, Ground Floor, OPP- Jio Digital, Kolkata- 700092.